"Character is higher than intellect."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
I believe that this statement is 100% true. Character runs a long way. Character shows deterimation, dignity, and ambtion. Hardwork pays off all the time. Character is higher than intellect as important as intellect is. Charater is a part of everything we do in life. Our character defines who we are. Intellect is the understanding one person. Character is someones personality. Our character is based on alot of things. Such as school records, team records, or anything in our daily lives. Character brings out the truth in us. Character brings out who we really are. Character shows someone's true colors. True colors as in who we are. The real us. For example if you are a real quite person and somone is messing with you and you constantly tell them to stop. Sooner or later you get annoyed and you snap because you were constantly tellling them to stop. Them annoying you showed your true colors when you scolded them.

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