Wednesday, February 28, 2018

I won't cheat (promise)

"I won't Cheat"
-Dale Murphy
Taking shortcuts is always wrong. Hard work takes dedication and effort. You might not get caught cheating but it will affect you in the long run. Therefore I promise to NEVER cheat. Cheating is wrong and you don't learn anything from it. Cheating is a bad thing to do. People should not cheat. Cheating gets you nowhere in life or in any other aspect of life. I believe that cheating is for people who don't want to succeed in life or learn anything. For example if you are cheating in grade school and you graduate. You are being rewarded for something you didn't do then when it is time to do something you learned or was taught you don't know how to do anything because you cheated your whole way out of grade school. This is why I say cheating is bad. Their is no true lesson behind cheating just pure failure. However, cheating is something anyone should ever want to do. Honesty is the best policy. 

Thursday, February 22, 2018

A Right Heart

" Great beauty, great strength, and great riches are really and truly of no great use; a right heart exceeds all."
-Benjamin Franklin
A right heart exceeds all. All I can say is that this a tremendous statement true and uplifting. It is a inspirational quote from our good friend Franklin. The beauty of your character is your great heart. For example, if you are a person to always cheat and say you can’t do something without trying that just shows the kind of person you are. That will show that you are just lazy and not very hardworking. On the other hand if you are someone who always is true to your word and very hands on it will show how trustworthy you are. So with this being said Benjamin Franklin “Great beauty, great strength, and great riches are really truly of no great use; a right heart exceeds all” is a true uplifting statement to follow. 

Pathology Career Research


Duties and Responsibilities: As a pathologist, you might examine and diagnosis bodily fluids, such as blood and urine, or tissues from biopsies and pap-smears, to diagnosis diseases. You might possibly perform autopsies determine a cause of death. 

Salary: $302,610

Education: A forensic pathologist must first earn a bachelor's degree, then a medical degree, either an M.D. or D.O. Extensive additional education and training is required, including four to five years of training in anatomic, clinical and/or forensic pathology and a one-year residency or in fellowship forensic pathology.

  1. Ability to work under pressure
  2. Make quick and accurate decisions 
  3. Good at recognizing visual patterns 
  4. Good at problem solving skills 
Reflection: I will love to follow this career pathway. I will love to do this because when I was smaller I loved playing doctor and examining body parts. However, the skills listed above are skills I am able to perform. I am very hands on and get the job done no matter how much time I have to spend doing it. This might be a career I would most definitely look more into to see if this is something I might really want to do in the future.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

What we do today

" It may make a difference to all eternity we do right or wrong today."
-James Freeman Clarke 
This is a true statement. The actions you make today weather its wrong or good will affect you forever. In class today we had watch two videos. One was of a young man who had potential in school and was very intelligent that later made a decision that would affect his whole life. This young man only in his early 20's is now facing life in jail. He went on a shoot out a a theater and was found guilty of his charges. This is  a great example of what you do today will affect you weather it is right or wrong. On the other hand we watched another video of a couple who lost their son who would have been 9 years old. They were paying a forward in memories of their son like helping people pay for their Christmas presents for kids, paying for people meals, and even giving someone a diamond ring with little notes that reads in memory of Jayden. They are getting so much positive feedback all over the internet. 

Good Quality People

" Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company." 
-George Washington 
What George Washington said is a true statement. When you associate yourself with good people their righteousness will rub off on you'. There are many benefits of associating yourself with good people. People have a big impact in your life. According to Jim Rohn " You are the average of the of the five people you spend the most time with." Meaning that if you are always with bad people the chance of you become like them are really high. People and their company have a big impact on your life. With someones quality alone you can determine what kind off person they are.

osteopathic physician

Osteopathic Physician

Duties and Responsibilities: Inside Osteopathic Medicine. Doctors of osteopathic medicine (DOs) often treat their patients by manipulating the musculoskeletal system, which includes nerves, bones, joints, and muscles. DOs have the same responsibilities and privileges of MD's, such as prescribing medicine, performing surgery and prescribing illnesses. 

Salary: $229,000

Education: Earn a Bachelor's Degree. Acceptance into an osteopathic medicine program generally first requires a prospective osteopathic doctor to earn a bachelors degree.

Demands and needs: 

1) Complete medical school
2) Obtain Licensure
3) Complete training
4) Career Advancement

Reflection: I would not like to work doing this. I am not very well with things when it comes to bones. I would not like the job of giving surgery to someone. Not only do I not like some of the things listed above but I do not like the fact of me being responsible for someones life while doing surgery. This is why I would not like having this job in my opinion.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Student Success Statement

"Ask yourself is it right or wrong and act accordingly."
-Otto Graham, Jr.
I believe this is a statement we should live off of. Meaning you remove yourself from self righteousness position often embraced by older people. Asking yourself how a committed and honest person would act to certain situations. For example in class today we seen a video about a lady who dropped change into a homeless person cup and accidentally dropped her engagement ring inside. Her ring was worth $4,000 when he went to see if it was real or not. He passed up the opportunity of earning money that could of been his. Instead he kept the ring and returned it back when he seen the owner again. In return he reunited with his family and the couples started a fund me account receiving more that $184,000. A lot of people were touched and wanted to help this homeless man after hearing his tremendous story and his righteousness act.I truly believe that this quote is  an inspiration that everyone should think about before making choices. Is it right or is it wrong?

Presidents Day

Presidents Day
What is president Day?
Washington's birthday is a United States Federal holiday celebrated on  the third Monday of February in honor of George Washington, the first president of the United States, who was born on February 22, 1732.
When is presents day? 
Monday February 19

Several ways to show honor?
 Visit the history museum 
Lincoln memorial 
Presidents day parade 

How can I show honor and respect?
I can show honor and respect on presidents day by doing any of the following things listed above. I can also teach my brothers all about the importance of presidents day. To add on I can research more about presidents day and maybe even turn in an essay about presidents day for extra credit to my English teacher.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Student Success Statement

" Act well your part; there all honor lies."
-Alexander pope
I agree with this statement because your character becomes your destiny. We watched two videos in class and the one that  really caught my attention was the one of the little boy who found the $20. He and his family were out at a family outing and he found $20. He seen a solider and his dad was a soldier. Unfortunately his dad had passed.  

Valentines Day History

Valentines Day History
The ancient Romans may also be responsible for the name of our modern day of love. Emperor Claudius || executed two men both named Valentine in February. 14 of different years in the 3rd Century A.D. their martyrdom was honored by the Catholic Church with the celebration of st. Valentine's day.
Feast day of Saint Valentines is to celebrate love and affection.
Sending greetings cards and gifts, dating, and church services
What people do? 
Give cards| Give letters| Flowers or presents to spouse or partner| Arrange dinners and date nights 
Common Symbols Of Valentines Day
Hearts, Red roses and cupid

Friday, February 9, 2018

Orthopedic Surgeon

Orthopedic surgeon

Duties and Responsibilities: Orthopedic surgeon treat patients musculoskeletal systems. This means they care for patients who have problems with their bones, joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons, according to American Academy of orthopedic surgeons. The United States has more than 20,400 practicing orthopedic surgeon.

Salary: $519,000

Education: After completing a 4 year bachelor's degree program in biology, per-medicine or a related, aspiring orthopedic surgeons must complete four additional years of medical school, followed by a 4-5 year orthopedic surgery residency in a hospital.

Needs For This Profession: Orthopedic must have excellent manual dexterity; physical stamina; strong communication and organization skills.

Reflection: I would want to  be a Orthopedic surgeon because I have broken bones before and trust me it isn't a good feeling. I would like to help those who have broken bones and tell them how I have broken bones. I would like to tell them about stories sso they wouldn't feel so bad about the cast. 

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Intelligence Plus Character

Student Success Statement
"Intelligence is not enough. Intelligence plus character, that is the goal of true education."
-Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Student Success Statement

"Right is right only when entire."
-Victor Hugo 
I believe that this is a true statement. It teaches you why it is important to be truthful all the time. For example if you are doing a test and if you cheat on one problem because you don't understand it, that id you not being truthful and entire. Many people might ask my is a partial truth still an entire lie? Well because you aren't saying the full story to something. Right is right and wrong is wrong. This statement brings us back to our previous quote that right is right even if everyone is against it and wrong is wrong even if everyone is for it. However owing up to your mistakes is an example of being right even if everyone is against it  or if it isn't popular. Victor Hugo teaches us within this quote that being truthful and honest is the right thing to do. So with that being said right can only be right it is truthful and honest. Wrong is wrong even if its's just a little lie.

Orthodontics career


Duties and responsibilities: Orthodontics, a specialty within the dental profession, involves straightening teeth and correcting bites. As an orthodontist, you are responsible for locating problems with the positioning of patients’ teeth and with their oral development. You might use x- rays or plaster molds of your patients’ teeth to do this.

Salary: $200,500

Education: In order to become an orthodontist, students need to complete four years of dental school. Coursework in dental school includes anatomy, physiology and microbiology, as well as classes that apply more specifically to orthodontics, such as dental anatomy and occlusion, pediatric dentistry and dental materials.

Demands and needs for this profession: Prospective orthodontists must normally complete a four-year undergraduate degree, typically a bachelor’s of science, before moving on to dental school. While a degree is not a degree is not required by all dental schools, it is usually recommended and may give prospects an edge when applying for admission.

Reflection: I would like to be an orthodontist if I am not able to push forward to the career of being of registered nurse. I have braces and every time I go to the dentist or to get a wire change I admire what they do. They are hardworking people and seems to love what they do for a living. However, teeth are a big part of your appearance. It also just seems so fun to work with teeth and make people begin to love to smile. Often times people don’t like to smile because they are insecure about their teeth. I believe smiling brings out your true character and that’s why teeth are so important to me. With that being said yes I would love to be an orthodontics.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Student Success Statement Rachel Castillo Story

" If you do what's right, if you live the right way, you'll be taken care of."
-Rachel Castillo
If you do whats right and live the right way you'll be taken care of. Doing the right thing makes you richer by far. Today in class our good friend Rachel gave a good example of being a Ctr person. Rachel who works at a golf course found thousands of thousands of dollars laying around. Instead of keeping it she gave all the money back to the owner. She said "This is about the same amount of money I make  in a year." Instead of taking it she believed that returning it was the right thing to do. She continued on and said "Fast money is not good money." she also mentioned that she was a christian and that in the bible she read that lying nor stealing is good. Rachel story was incredible not only because she gave the money back but because not many people would have did what she did. Rachel shows us how to live our life truthfully and the right way. 

oral and maxillofacial surgeon

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon

Duties and Responsibilities: Perform surgery and related procedures on the hard and soft tissues of the oral and maxillofacial regions to treat diseases, injuries, or defects. May diagnose problems of the oral and maxillofacial regions. May perform surgery to improve functions or appearance.

Salary: $252,910

Education: Four years of undergrad work, Four years of dental school and four to six years of residency is a long time.

Demands & Needs:

  • *      Undergraduate preparation. Before you can become an oral surgeon, you must first attend dental school.
  • *      Dental licensing
  • *      Residency and board certificate

       Complete either a Doctor of Dental Surgery (D.D.S.) degree or a Doctor of Dental Medicine               (D.M.D.) degree. Both degrees have the same curriculum, but respective dental schools choose           which to award their students. You must complete a specialty residency program to practice as             an oral and maxillofacial surgeon.


I would not like to do this because, it takes a long time to accomplish. I wouldn’t want to do something that takes a long time to accomplish because in the process of going to school I might get bored of one thing and decide to change my mind about the career I am interested in. However I feel like if that does happen it would be a waste of time. So therefore I rather do something quick in case I would want to take the path of another medical career. This is a great career to follow if you are interested in the body and learning about new diseases.

